President of Rocky Mountain ICF and has owned and operated a building materials supply business for 25 years. Paul is a strong believer in using products throughout a building that conserves energy and saves money for the owner of the buildings and homes. Paul can be reached at 1-866-4-NUDURA
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John has 15 years of experience with NUDURA Insulated Concrete Forms. This experience includes installation, instructing NUDURA classes, assisting engineers, architects, installers, builders, and homeowners with the use of NUDURA ICF products in their projects and homes. John can be reached at 1-866-4-NUDURA (1-866-468-3872) and will be happy to call on you at your home, your project site, or your office.
Jeremy has 6 years of experience with all Nudura products. Jeremy has 17 years of residential construction experience and has a solid base from which to work through projects with a contractor or homeowner and the use of Nudura ICF. Jeremy can be reached at 1-866-4-NUDURA (1-866-468-3872)